Create a paper flower 'window box' out of an old cereal box
Create a colourful 'Window Box' that can be placed on your windowsill or made as a 2d window display for all to see for Glasgow Open House 2021! This activity was designed in collaboration with Platform by Platform associate and artist - the fantastic Alice Dansey-Wright. It can be made using an old cereal or recycled cardboard box and easily sourced or recycled materials! The fun and child / teen-friendly activity has also been distributed to 100 young artists as part of Platform’s summer programme.
How to make a 'window box'
You will need…
A recycled cereal/egg/shoe box
A pair of scissors
Coloured card or paper, could you recycle old magazines?
A Glue stick
Sticky tape
A pencil​
Tissue paper, could you recycle old packaging?
Art straws, or other recycled staws
Pipe cleaners
Felt-tip pens (washable) or food colouring
Coffee filter papers or watercolour paper
A pipette or spray bottle
Step to step guide
1. Start by cutting the top and side tabs off your box.
2. Next cover the outside of your box with brightly coloured card using glue.
3. Add ‘grass’ to your window box by cutting strips into pieces of coloured card and sticking them to the inside of your box so they stick out of the top.
Flower version 1
4. Use a pencil to draw flower shapes on coloured paper or card and cut them out.
5. Fold the flowers to shape them. You can layer 2 shapes on top of one another to create texture.
6. Cut small circles out of card and glue them to the centre of the flower. You could also use recycled old buttons!
7. Use tape to attach the flowers to art straws, paper straws or pipe cleaners to create stalks.
Flower version 2
8. Roll up tubes of green card and secure in place with tape.
9. Cut leaves out of green card and add them to the stalks with tape.
10. Next, create a smaller tube from card of a different colour, stick it in the top of the green tube (half in) and cut strips all around it to create petals.
11. Create the centre of the flower by adding an even smaller tube of another colour.
Flower version 3 (toddler friendly)
12. Fold round coffee filter or cut out circles of watercolour paper. Fold the circles 4 times to make a small wedge and cut an arc to create the shape of petals. Unfold the papers and place them on a sheet of baking paper or a plastic tray.
13. Draw lines, shapes and patterns on the flowers using washable markers, or drop small dots of food colouring.
14. Using a pipette or spray bottle to drop/spray/drip small amounts of water onto the flowers and watch the colours spread. Let them dry fully.
15. Pinch the centre point of the flower and wrap one end of a pipe cleaner around the base of the flower.
16. Bring your design together by ‘planting’ all of your flowers in your window box with tape.
17. Add tissue paper inside to fill the gaps and keep the flowers upright.
18. Add decorative shapes or stripes to the outside of your box and put it on your window sill!
19. Add the location of your window display to the festival map - apply here, or share a photo or video on our social media!
If you don’t have a suitable recycled cardboard box or you would like to make a 2D version to stick to your window - you can just make everything flat! Use strips of card to tape along the bottom of your window and tape your flowers behind it!
Could you add bugs, herbs, birds, worms, fairies or mushrooms?
Whatever you choose we would love to see your design! Share a picture or video with us by tagging us on social media, using the hash-tag #GOHAFwindowbox or email us at:
Tag us on social media:
twitter: @OHGlasgow
instagram: @glasgow_open_house
facebook: @glasgowopenhouse
Tag Platform & Alice on social media:
twitter: @PlatformGlasgow @adanseywright
instagram: @platformglasgow @alicedanseyw
facebook: @platform.glasgow.7 @alicedanseyw